Categories: Diet and Weight Loss
alli is the only over-the-counter weight loss aid that has been FDA approved. It is more than just a pill, it is an innovative weight loss program.
Taking alli helps prevent your body from absorbing some of the fat you eat, so you can still enjoy eating the foods you like.
With a little hard work and alli, you can lose 50% more weight compared to just dieting alone. In addition, alli comes with an individually tailored action plan for you called myalliplan.
With this customized plan, you’ll receive immediate feedback and specific guidance that was developed by weight management experts.
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The Alli Starter Pack with a 84 capsules normally retails for over $99.99. But right now it is available for only $57.77 plus the cost of shipping and handling.
Also with each order you get a set of free gifts. It includes a bottle of Adora Resveratrol and an Aerobic Exercise DVD to further help your weight loss.
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