Smooth Away
Categories: Hair Care
Smooth Away is the easy, safe, and painless hair removal system that lets you smooth away unwanted hair.  Say goodbye to harsh chemicals, plucking, shaving, waxing, ripping, and other inconveniences of removing unwanted hair.
It is one of the fastest selling, and  most popular women’s product in Europe from a good reason. The Smooth Away pads are covered that is coverd with superfine crystals. These crystals help buff away unwanted hair, leaving your skin feeling soft and incredibly smooth.
You simply rub a Smooth Away pad in a gentle circular motion to remove unwanted hair. It works great on sensitive areas and also exfoliates as it removes the unwanted hair.
Use the large Smooth Away applicator for legs and arms and the mini Smooth Away applicators for the  lips, chin and other sensitive areas. They work great for both men and women.
Right now when you order a Smooth Away system, you’ll get another for free. That means you get a total of 2 Large Smooth Away Pads, 2 Mini Smooth Away Pads, 8 Large Replacement Pads, and 8 Small Replacement pads for just $14.99 plus the cost of shipping and handling.
sharon knapp on Sun, 26th Jul 2009 4:40 pm
Where can I get the cream, have enough pads?
As Seen On TV on Sun, 26th Jul 2009 8:15 pm
Are you talking about this cream: Smooth Away Hair Inhibitor Moisturizer Cream